Well, we have returned from our very exciting road trip to St. Louis & Charleston. We had a great time!
We started out in St. Louis visiting our great friends, Viveca and Graham Lane (you should check out their work! There is a link on our main page) We had such an amazing time with them.
Viveca modeled for me, so I will be painting her very soon! YAY!
After St. Louis, we drove to Charleston for the Women Painting Women show my work was in at
Robert Lange Studios. It was awesome. The gallery was packed! We met so many talented artists and saw their beautiful works! If you have not seen the blog where the inspiration for the show came from, check it out. It is great!
http://womenpaintingwomen.blogspot.com/ (My work happens to be featured there right now! Thanks ladies!)
We had many hours to talk about new painting ideas while we drove to the East Coast (and back), and we are eager to get to work!